The answer to this question is somewhat more complicated than simply ‘data anyone can access, share and use as the open data initiative was established by Tim Berners-Lee (the creator of the World Wide Web). The Open Data Institute’s Open Definition states: “Open data is data that is freely used, reused and redistributed.” It also states that “Universal participation should be enabled.” This means it must not exclude any fields of endeavour, persons or organisations and does not place restrictions on commercial use or restrict the intermixing between different data sets.”

A format that is easy to access is another crucial aspect for making datasets useful. Datasets should be stored in an easily readable format that can be downloaded, processed and interpreted by computer applications. They can be automatically updated whenever new data is published. Additionally, they need to be capable of being linked to give context and allow for new analyses to be made.

Another crucial aspect of successful open data initiatives is that they should be concentrated on the most important issues facing your organization or government. This will ensure that the resources put into open-data initiatives are focused on the initiatives that are most likely to produce positive results and bring about sustainable value. This could take the form of increasing the number of jobs created, enhancing the sustainability of your organization as well as facilitating community engagement.