Despite numerous board members’ wish to return to in-person meetings the epidemic has forced us to continue to meet online. This hybrid model is not going away, and it’s crucial that boards figure out a way to run effective meetings that have attendees in person as well as those who attend online.

In order to keep meetings productive The chair of the board needs to stick to the agenda and provide clear instructions. Digital tools can accelerate the process of meeting by allowing attendees work through tasks faster. Additionally, it’s crucial that both remote and in-person attendees receive the same material in advance. This includes slides and documents that will be used during the event, along with notes and other information distributed in advance.

Prioritizing participation in hybrid meetings will ensure that all board members are on the same board. To do this, it’s essential to make sure that the virtual platform is working correctly and that all necessary links have been clicked and downloaded prior the start of the meeting. A staff member who is able to join the meeting and monitor these functions will allow you to recognize and address any issues in advance.

In the same way, muting the microphone when not speaking will cut out echoes as well as background noise, allowing everyone to concentrate on the discussion at hand. It’s also a good idea to close extra tabs and to pause any music or videos prior to beginning the meeting. In addition, using a meeting management software that has accessibility features can make your event more inclusive to people with vision, hearing or speech disabilities.